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Tech Baseball to Host Spring Break Youth Camp

March 24 @ 8:30 am - March 25 @ 12:00 pm


The Oregon Tech baseball team will be holding a Spring Break Youth Baseball Camp for kids in the Klamath Basin. The event is scheduled for March 24 and 25 at Bocchi Field at Steen Sports Park.

The Spring Break Youth Baseball Camp will run from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. each day and is designed for players from first grade through eighth grade, with the cost of the 2-day camp, $70.

Campers will be divided up based on age and will be taught offensive, defensive, pitching and base-running fundamentals.

Participants need to provide their own water and baseball equipment, including helmets (baseballs and equipment to run the camp will be provided by OIT.

For more information, contact head coach Ricky Walker at ricky.walker@oit.edu.


March 24 @ 8:30 am
March 25 @ 12:00 pm