Tulelake Police Department K9 Fundraiser
April 4 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Hey Klamath Basin residents! How would you like to celebrate your love for working dogs, local law enforcement and the 2nd amendment all at the same time? On April 4th at 5pm, the Tukelake police department is holding a benefit dinner for their K9 team in hopes of gaining support for current and future police dogs. It will be in the Tulelake Fire Department. Come see a k9 demonstration with actual take downs by police dogs in a controlled and safe environment while enjoying locally sourced steaks and locally grown baked potatoes with all the fixings! A donation only bar will be open and good old country music played by a local DJ.
Many great raffle items donated by Basin businesses and individuals include firearms, tickets to local entertainment, useful country living items and even deserts. If you would like to donate an item for the raffle and or attend the event, please contact Julie with the City of Tulelake at 503-812-5375 or City Hall at 530-667-5522