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Klamath County announces tourism grant application cycle


Klamath County is thrilled to announce a fantastic grant opportunity aimed at boosting our county’s tourism!

Do you have a unique event or project that could attract tourists to Klamath County and encourage overnight stays? Our Tourism Grant program is here to help! We’re seeking innovative ideas for events and activities that will draw visitors, especially during the shoulder season from October to May. Infrastructure project proposals are also considered. These grants are funded by the countywide transient room tax which is administered by Klamath County Tax Collections.

Key Dates:


Grant applications will be reviewed by an advisory panel appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, who will then make the final decisions on awarding funds in early May.

Tourism Grant applications and additional information regarding the program, including applicant eligibility, allowable projects, and more are available on the county website at:

For questions please contact the Klamath County Finance Office at 541-851-2264