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Klamath Falls City Schools Extend School Day

In a post on Facebook yesterday, February 25th, Klamath Falls CIty Schools announced they would be extending the school day to make up from lost time due to snow days.
The post read: “Due to school cancellations from snow days this year, we need to make up lost instructional time. To meet state requirements, beginning Monday, March 31, the school day will be extended by 14 minutes for the remainder of the school year. This change begins the Monday students return to school from Spring Break.
This change will help ensure our students receive the instructional time necessary for their academic success. Start times will remain the same, but dismissal will be 14 minutes later than usual at all schools. Bus schedules will also be adjusted accordingly.
We appreciate your flexibility and support as we make these necessary adjustments. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school office. Thank you for your partnership in supporting our students.”