BLM to conduct aerial herbicide applications in Klamath County

LAKEVIEW, Ore. – The Bureau of Land Management will conduct aerial herbicide applications from Sept. 25 through Oct. 31, 2024. Weather permitting, approximately 2,599 acres in Klamath County will be treated.

The applications will be conducted in the following areas east of Klamath Falls:

  • Van Meter Fire area adjacent to Weber Road on Stukel Mountain.
  • Golden Fire area southeast of Bly Mountain Pass.
  • Public lands near the Town of Bonanza, west of Harpold Rd (Windy Ridge area).
  • Lorella.
  • Southeast of Gerber Recreation area, in the Horsecamp Rim and Lower Midway vicinity.


The goal of the proposed herbicide applications is to prevent the establishment and spread of invasive annual grasses, including cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), medusahead rye (Taeniatherum caput-medusae), and North Africa grass (Ventenata dubia). The BLM is spraying the non-native, invasive annual grasses to restore native bunchgrass and shrub species within sagebrush restoration project areas and burned areas.

The herbicide to be used for these projects is Imazapic, a pre-emergent that helps reduce the germination of undesirable winter annual grasses. Perennial bunchgrasses are dormant during this period and unaffected by the treatment. 

Maps will be posted along the main roads entering the project areas. Treatments will take up to two weeks for implementation and are dependent upon weather conditions. Please avoid camping or traveling through treated areas to allow aerial applicators to accomplish treatments in a safe and timely fashion.

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