USFS wildfire danger reduced to moderate

Southwest Ore—Due to an extended weather forecast that anticipates above normal precipitation and below normal temperatures, officials with the Bureau of Land Management Medford District, Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest and the Oregon Department of Forestry Southwest Oregon District have elected to decrease campfire restrictions on those lands located within the boundaries of the Wild section of the Rogue National Wild and Scenic River. The Wild section flows from Grave Creek to the mouth of Watson Creek.

Effective 12:01 a.m. on Thursday September 12, 2024, building, maintaining or using a fire or campfire or stove fire is prohibited, with the exception of commercially produced pressurized liquid gas stoves. Charcoal briquettes are allowed within a raised fire pan below the highwater mark from Marial downstream to the mouth of Watson Creek. All ashes must be carried out. Additionally, smoking is only permitted while on watercraft on waterways, or in areas that are on vegetation-free sand and gravel bars located between the river and ordinary high water mark.

The BLM administers the stretch of the river between Grave Creek and Marial, where ODF Southwest provides initial attack for new fires. The Forest Service manages from Marial and downriver to the mouth of Watson Creek. These restrictions will be in place through November 30, 2024, unless rescinded sooner. See the Forest Service order here and the BLM Fire Restrictions Page for more information.

In addition, the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest will be moving to “Moderate” Fire Danger, with a reduction to Stage 2 Public Use Restrictions and a move to Industrial Fire Precaution Level 1 starting at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, September 12, 2024. Stage 2 PURs prohibit campfires with solid fuels except when in fire rings or fireplaces in developed and listed recreation sites (see list attached to order) Portable lanterns, stoves or campfires solely fueled by gas, jellied petroleum or pressurized liquid fuel are allowed. Please see order for full descriptions. These restrictions are in place until November 30, 2024 unless rescinded.

“This is not a season ending event, but it will be a significant season slowing event,” said Acting Fire Staff Officer Jeremy Delack.

For more information and to see the full text of the orders, see the RRSNF and BLM websites.

As conditions across SW Oregon continue to be very hot and dry, and resources are actively suppressing multiple fires across the west, fire managers are reminding the public to be aware of fire danger, fire restrictions, and their important role in preventing human-caused fires.

For more information regarding fire safety notifications and regulations on public lands in southwest Oregon:

• The RRSNF Alerts and Notices page;

• The BLM OR/WA Fire Restrictions Page;

Region 6 Interactive Fire Closure Map;

• Follow the BLM, RRSNF and ODF on Facebook; and

• The SW Oregon ODF blog.

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