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Klamath-Lake Counties Food Bank names new executive director

The Klamath-Lake Counties Food Bank logo

3231 Maywood Drive •Klanath Fath OR 97603
Ph (541) 882-1223 • Fax (541) 832-0065
Niki Sampson, Executive Director (Soon to be retired)
As my path of passion comes to an end after nearly 30 years with The Food Bank, and as my new retirement journey begins, Iwant to take this opportunity to say a few things.
This has never been a job. It's been a passion and a vision. If you
run short of food, we will feed you. Life throws all of us curve balls. My
vision has been to support other agencies and programs that empower and change the path of those who struggle with hurdles to success. I've been there and done that!
These agencies, in general, need supplies such as food for meals, snacks and non-food products. With food bank support, it frees up more of their dollars for their vital programs. Over the years we've saved them
millions of dollars so they can invest in people and change their lives. This is how you get to the root causes of hunger and food insecurity. It's truly exponential.
My next chapter of life will be visiting my children and grandchildren around the U.S., enjoy another 30 years with the greatest, kindest, funniest man Iknow, Dave, travel in the RV and FISH, FISH, FISH, EVERYWHERE C
I've been with the Klamath-Lake Counties Food Bank for nearly 30 years. The Food Bank will be
40 in July. I'm asking 1,500 of my friends of the Food Bank to donate $50 towards the 30-40-50 RETIREMENT FUNDRAISER! These dollars will help the food programs and provide funds to assist special proyrams for cancer &huspice patients, along with my "Wishes Come True" program Ibegan about 20 years ago. We assist families going through life altering and life-threatening situations. It fills the gap until other services kick-in, and provides small, special impactful wishes before passing. These folks have enough to worry about.
Send a check with the memo 30-40-50 or go on-line to and put in the description box 30-40-50.
Now, without further ado, let me introduce your new Executive Director. She's going to be great! She has the same vision as all of us who support the Food Bank. Meet Lori Garrard........