DEQ is proposing permanent rule amendments to chapter 340 of the Oregon Administrative Rules to redesignate the Klamath Falls airshed as attainment for the national air quality health standards for small particulate matter (PM2.5) and includes a 10-year maintenance plan to keep air quality within the PM2.5 health standards. DEQ invites public input on these changes. Oregon must update its Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan to document that DEQ has the authority, regulations, and enforcement capability to implement the current National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for PM2.5. In addition to the redesignation of the Klamath Falls airshed into attainment, a 10-year maintenance plan provides assurance that air quality programs are adequate to prevent future violation of the NAAQS.
Public Comment
DEQ is seeking public comment on the proposed rule amendments. More information on this rulemaking, including the draft rules, can be found on the Klamath Falls PM2.5 Maintenance Plan 2024.
How to comment: DEQ will accept comments by email, postal mail or verbally at the public hearing. Anyone can submit comments and questions about this rulemaking.
- Email: Send comments by email to
- Postal mail: Oregon DEQ, Attn: Graham Bates, 700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 600, Portland, Oregon 97232-4100
- At the public hearing: 5:30 p.m., Monday, April 29, 2024 (see below)
DEQ will only consider comments on the proposed rule amendments that DEQ receives by 11:59 p.m., on April 29, 2024.
Rulemaking Hearing: DEQ will hold a public hearing, with details below:
Date: April 29, 2024
Start time: 5:30 p.m. PTJoin via Zoom
Meeting ID: 893 6401 2156One tap mobile
+12532050468,,89364012156# US
+12532158782,,89364012156# US (Tacoma)Instructions for joining webinar or teleconference: Instructions
Note for public university students:
ORS 192.345(29) allows Oregon public university and OHSU students to protect their university email addresses from disclosure under Oregon’s public records law. If you are an Oregon public university or OHSU student, notify DEQ that you wish to keep your email address confidential.
Additional Information
To view copies of the notice documents, learn more about this rulemaking, and how to submit comments, you can view the rulemaking web page at: Klamath Falls PM2.5 Maintenance Plan 2024
If you want to receive future email notices about this rulemaking, you must sign up at: GovDelivery.
You can also obtain more information about this rulemaking by contacting:
Graham Bates