The Snake War, A Battle That Shaped Klamath County

Klamath Falls, ORE– The Snake War, a conflict that preceded the Modoc War, will be discussed at the Klamath County Museum at  Noon this Friday.

Before the Modoc War of 1872-1873, the region was engulfed in another bloody struggle. 

The Snake War began in 1864 when the United States military embarked on a four-year campaign against the Northern Paiute people of eastern Oregon and it shaped our county and cost thousands of lives.

Admission will be free as part of the museum’s Free First Friday program. Admission fees will be waived and hours will be extended on Friday, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The program will be presented by Matthew Voelkel, curator of the Klamath County Museum.


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